GSM CCMS IoT Mesh Controller

GSM CCMS IoT Mesh Controllers

Remote Monitoring & Remote Control image

Remote Monitoring & Remote Control

Remote Fault Monitoring & Alerts image

Remote Fault Monitoring & Alerts

Energy Monitoring image

Energy Monitoring

Energy Savings upto 60% by Dimming & Staggering image

Energy Savings upto 60% by Dimming & Staggering

Smart Mesh network enables dimming of next multiple lights image

Smart Mesh network enables dimming of next multiple lights

Smart & Futuristic CCMS Web Dashboard image

Smart & Futuristic CCMS Web Dashboard


Connectivity image

Smart Function

Smart Function image

When vehicles/pedestrians come near to streetlights, several next streetlights get bright in forward direction of vehicle/pedestrian passing by through Mesh network

CCMS GSM Group Controller & IoT Mesh Gateway

CCMS GSM Group Controller & IoT Mesh Gateway image

Technical Specifications

Product CodeCG2GCIBMG4R1A
HSN Code8542
Product NameCCMS GSM2 Group Controller & IoTBMESH Gateway 4R-1A
Product TypeSmart GSM Group Streetlight Controller & IoT Mesh Gateway
Display16 x 2 LCD Display
Display Resolution200 x 120 x 75
Output Channels4 Relay
Rated operational range 90 V to 360 V AC (50/60 Hz)
Operating Temperature-25 °C to +70 °C
Contact Rating 5 A (*For higher load operation, use suitable contactor)
Standby Power Consumption1.5 W (Approx.)
Phase1 Ф & 3 Ф
InstallationBase (Direct In-Series) / DIN Rail
Battery Reserve for RTC10 Years (Battery Type: Lithium)
Dashboard CommunicationGSM (2G / 4G / NB-IoT)
Configuration & ControlCCMS Web Dashboard & Mobile App
Mesh CommunicationBLE / Zigbee
Zigbee RangeUpto 1 km (Outdoor – Line Of Sight)
Mesh Capacityupto 100 devices
No. of Schedules (Time Based)50
Count of Available Schedule & Event HistoryUpto Last 3 years
Protections1. Over / Under Voltage (Cut-Off) 2. Over / Lower Current (Cut-Off) 3. Open / Short Circuit 4. Over Load 5. Power Factor Reduction
SecurityEncrypted SSL Security
Package Contents1x CCMS GSM2 Group Controller & IoTBMESH Gateway 4R-1A, Product Manuals
Warranty12 Months repair/replacement warranty against manufacturing defects.

CCMS GSM Group Controller & IoT Mesh Gateway Features

Remote Monitoring:

Remote Monitoring, Control, Fault Detection & Fault Management capabilities

High Energy Savings:

With 4 Relays, you can save average up to 45% energy (approx.) by staggering at low traffic time and rotating staggering systems.


Advance 32-bit Microcontroller based design


Master and User Password protection

High Accuracy:

Real Time Clock with in-built Battery reserve for 10 Years. Auto-updated from Web when Group Controller is synchronized with web Server

Smart Auto-Recovery:

Inbuilt auto recovery systems for power failure which helps in streetlight operation.

Multi-Phase Functionality:

Works with 3-Phase and 1-Phase Supply

Tampering Alerts:

Group Controller Feeder Door Opening and Tampering alerts

Manual Mode Operation:

Auto / Manual facility by way of contactor / relay operation for faster service mode. From local panel in manual mode it shows individual line / channel current and show no of lamp which is not working which helps to judging the problem in line (by difference of calibration current and existing line current.

Energy Monitoring:

Data monitoring through Class 1 type Multi-function Energy meter; We can measure 26 Parameters such as the individual phase voltage, individual phase load amps, PF, KW, KVA, KVAR, Phase to Phase voltage, Average PF, KWH etc. (Local display parameter and for remote display in software)

Auto Calibration:

Auto Calibration of Systems for monitoring Load current for protection.

User Settable Cut-off:

Over and under voltage cut off user settable. Saves lamps and energy. Auto reset type over voltage and under voltage cut off.


Electronic Short Circuit / Open Circuit Protection, Over Load Protection, Over Voltage / Lower Voltage Protection (Cut-Off), Over Current / Lower Current Protection (Cut-Off)

Dynamic Short Circuit Protection:

Over current trip in % is user settable. It has special function to store load current of each line & channel in memory. When over load will be detected it will trip that particular phase after defined retries. Dynamic Short circuit protection by considering multiple sampling rate and trip the systems

Fault Identification:

Judgement is possible for approximately finding out number of lamps not working.

Easy Installation:

Installation of Group Controller Direct or DIN Rail Mount

Damage Alerts:

In-built Angle Sensor for detecting position displacement with ‘mm’ accuracy for anti-theft. It triggers Feeder Panel Harm / Damage Alerts.

Smart Astronomic Programming:

Schedule via in-built Astronomical Calendar that has sunset and sunrise times pre-programmed based on Latitude/Longitude of a location.

Smart Astronomic Offset:

Astronomic Offset can be added to daily sunrise / sunset times via the Remote Monitoring Web Panel for Energy savings

Auto ON/OFF during failure:

In case of communication failure, schedules are stored in Group Controller for Street Light ON / OFF

CCMS Individual IoT Mesh Controller

CCMS Individual IoT Mesh Controller image

Technical Specifications

Product CodeCICIBM1D1R1A
HSN Code8542
Product NameCCMS Individual Controller IoTBMESH 1D1R-1A
Product TypeSmart GSM Individual IoT Mesh Streetlight Dimming Controller
Dimensions (in mm)155 x 80 x 55
Output Channels1. 1 Relay 2. 1 Dimmer
Rated operational range90 V to 360 V AC (50/60 Hz)
Operating Temperature-25 °C to +70 °C
Contact Rating 5 A (*For higher load operation, use suitable contactor)
Standby Power Consumption1.5 W (Approx.)
InstallationBase (Direct In-Series) / DIN Rail
Configuration & ControlCCMS Web Dashboard & Mobile App
Mesh CommunicationBLE / Zigbee
Zigbee RangeUpto 1 km (Outdoor – Line Of Sight)
Sensors1. Microwave Motion Sensor (Optional) 2. Accelerometer
Motion Sensor Detection Angle180°
Motion Sensor Detection Speed Range4-120 kmph
Ingress ProtectionIP67, Suitable for Outdoor Application
Package Contents1x CCMS Individual Controller IoTBMESH 1D1R-1A, Product Manuals
Warranty12 Months repair/replacement warranty against manufacturing defects.

CCMS GSM Group Controller & IoT Mesh Gateway Features

Bright Lighting when you are nearby:

Forward dimming of next several streetlights using IoT Mesh Technology (This ensures streetlights turn to full brightness before pedestrians/vehicles approach them)

High Energy Savings:

Dimming ensures Energy Saving upto 45%~60% approx.

Configurable Dim Levels:

Dimming intensity is user settable


Retrofit & easy to install solution; fits in existing light poles without additional wiring

Rugged & Waterproof:

CCMS Individual Controller IoTBMESH 1D1R-1A is enclosed in an IP67 rugged, waterproof housing and suitable for Outdoor Application

Self-correcting Mesh:

Self-forming, Self-healing Mesh network for communication with CCMS GSM2 Group Controller & IoTBMESH Gateway 4R-1A


Advanced 32-bit Microcontroller based design.

Individual Pole Fault Detection:

In-built Accelerometer for detecting Pole falling / Pole breakage

CCMS Dashboard

CCMS Dashboard image
  • The system is able to detect following failures:
  • Lamp failure alert & restoration
  • Cable fault, power theft and cable breakage
  • Pole breakage
  • Street lights can be set to remain ‘ON’, if Group Controller fails due to any reason. This is configurable from the Web Panel
  • You can do data entry of all network elements to be mapped on GIS system on cloud for example, Power Cables, Distribution Transformers, Splits in Power Cables, Street lights, garden lights, Group Controllers, etc.
  • The location (Latitude & Longitude) of each object are fed into GIS
  • You can create forms for data entry on the cloud based CCMS Remote Monitoring Web Panel, such as:
  • Adding a Network Element with its name, type, description, location, port connections, etc.
  • Edit / Remove a Network Element
  • Connectivity Check Form for the network elements
  • Location of Individual Street Light can be set as per Group Controller by assigning their latitude and longitude
  • Remote Fault detection along with location of fault occurred in Street light cable network (from the distribution transformer to Street light) is possible using this system
  • The communication between Group Controller(s) and Remote Monitoring Web Panel is bidirectional.
  • Get real-time reports on status (ON / OFF) of Street Lights (or Garden Lights) zone-wise as per Group Controller.
  • Ability to control Street lights based on manual control (Remote Access), Astronomical Calendar based Control or manually programmed Time based schedules.
  • Plotting of Street lights with Group Controller on GIS Map.
  • Fault Detection Alerts and Type of Failure Identification is possible such as:
  • Power failure in the network
  • Main Cable fault (starting from distribution transformer)
  • Street Light (branch) cable fault
  • Detect Leakage / Theft happening between zones of Group Controllers with Timestamp & Location.
  • Remote Monitoring Web Panel is developed on the basis of organizational hierarchy to monitor, solve & verify faults. Non-performance of actions in stipulated time at a certain level will escalate the fault to higher level.
  • Super Admin &/or Admin can define roles in for a particular type of fault(s) to take necessary action to be taken against those faults.
  • Fault rectification mechanism is established in the Remote Monitoring Web Panel:
  • Ticket is generated when fault is identified by the system & assigned to an individual
  • If person solves the fault, the ticket is verified by the higher level role individual
  • The ticket can be assigned to someone else as per necessary
  • The ticket is automatically escalated to higher authority in case of ticket not solved in stipulated time
  • Ticket activity logs are maintained by the system which can viewed by Super Admin / Admin roles.
  • Easy management of User roles and access rights protection. System maintains data of all roles, descriptions, individual details to assign tickets as per fault generated.
  • Get detailed logs of all events, failures / faults, type of failures / faults, analytics, downtime of Street lights in Group Controller with ticket trails
  • Generate reports for Predictive maintenance analysis, so that maintenance can be done to reduce occurrence of frequency of such faults
  • Mode of Operation:
  • Astronomical Mode
  • Manual/Maintenance
  • Possible to do remote diagnosis, get intimation of repair / maintenance status, along with location of fault as per Group Controller zone(s) in case of Street lights failure.
  • Remote Monitoring Web Panel is able to generate SMS / WhatsApp / Email Alerts to the authorities
  • Get information on status of all Group Controllers installed with Street Lights on Dashboard in consolidated format and detailed format in zone-wise / location-wise data
  • Get update of Fault identification with Timestamp on Dashboard.
  • Get Reports on Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
  • Instant email alerts to authorized personnel for programmed alarms, change in status of Street Lights or fault alerts.
  • Instant update on Dashboard of any abnormality detected in system
  • Storage of data received from all Group Controllers and managed in a secured database on cloud servers.
  • Mobile App

  • Facility to get reports of faults on Mobile App dashboard as well
  • Ability to control Street Lights remotely from Mobile App with quick response feedback
  • Get instant update on App Dashboard for any abnormality detected in system
  • Smart App helps to capture geographic locations of Street Light network such as Pole, Group Controller Feeder panel, Cable components, etc.
  • Add Street Light identification details on-site, such as Device ID, Lamp No., Pole No., Location, etc.
  • Create Service ticket using Mobile App
  • Facility to escalate service ticket if issue is not resolved within a stipulated time.
  • User Friendly UI with highlighting, Zooming In/out and Search features, etc.
  • App is available for both Mobile / Tablet platforms for Android & iOS.
  • App Push Notifications for Faults
  • Notification is sent to a dedicated (user) device along with fault details such location of fault, Group Controller ID, etc.
  • Mobile App also provides access to Task & Trouble Ticket Management software to all staff
  • Mobile App provides GIS based access to various network elements, cables and faults, etc.
  • Mobile App provides a basic responding capability to field staff
  • Mobile App image


    HIGH MAST image

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    mightyTIMER is a brand of Multi-functional IoT Timers & Streetlight Automation Controllers with Central Control Monitoring System (CCMS). They are suitable for any timing based application & for any premises such as Industrial, Commercial, Municipal, Smart Cities, Homes, Buildings, etc.

    Control, Monitor, Analyze & Lot’s more with mightyTIMER Products!



    Plot No. 0172/1, F.P 127, PAI Building No. A/2 & A/3, Besides SMC Reading Room, behind Gangeshwar Mahadev Temple, Adajan, Surat - 395009. Gujarat (India)

    (+91) 99789 23444